Black Friday

Friday, November 26, 2010

Good morning "Shop-o-holics"... By now many of you have done more before 11am than most will do ALL DAY!!  LOL  And its all good, because today is considered one of the biggest shopping days of the year, so you get an extended "Shopping Pass." Today, officially kicks off the Christmas season and folks are excited to receive their well deserved discounts after pondering over a years worth of over priced merchandise.  And with all that being said, I have an honest confession... I've NEVER participated in Black Friday! And that's primarily because I shop all year long and I've mastered the best times to get discounts!!  My preferred times to shop are really early or an hour before the close of business, preferably on a Monday or Tuesday (when shipments come in) while most of my "shopping counterparts" are working or at home. Also, I purchase clothing and shoes during the off season, for instance, I buy sandals in August and boots in March. I've always been one to believe that shopping should be enjoyable, which means stress free and crowd free!  And since there are no parking spaces at Walmart, Target, or the mall... I've decided to stay nestled in with my cute doggie, while listening to my favorite tunes and eating left-overs!  And while sitting here jammin' to "Reasons" by Earth, Wind, and Fire, I decided to do a little research on the reason we call this day "Black Friday."

Black Friday was spawned from the way profits or losses were recorded and is said to have originated from Philadelphia's police Dept. back in 1966 after massive traffic jams and overcrowded sidewalks overwhelmed the city officials!   If you are in the red, for instance, you are losing money- but Black Friday always gives a spike in sales to virtually any business, putting them in the 'Black' or profit region.  And despite the high profit in sales on that cold November day in 1966,  the city of "Brotherly Love" turned into a feuding, looting MESS on the day after "THANKSGIVING" and that's how the name Black Friday was derived. What I found most surprising, however, is that Black Friday actually ranks as the 5th busiest day to shop during the year.  While Christmas Eve and the day after Christmas rank 1st and 2nd.  Nevertheless, us "REAL SHOPPERS" can always find a rhyme, reason, or rebate to justify our shopping addictions.  So, since I don't have room to spread my wings and fly through the stores as normal, I've decided to shop ON LINE at HOME!!  I found some of the same fabulous items online that would normally be on the racks, with the same discounts and with NO SHIPPING FEES!  *EXCITED*  So, if you're reading this email to kill time while in those long lines.... Consider going home, and shopping on line and save yourself the headache!  Until next time... WHERE IN THE WORLD IS KYM LEE?  ... at HOME singing "REASONS".... PEACE!

-Kym Lee

Is this you in the Black Friday crowd at Walmart??  


Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Where in the WORLD is KYM LEE? ... A weekly Beauty & Fashion BLOG surrounded by the exciting experiences, hotels, food, and people I encounter while traveling around the world!

Some topics' I'll cover include:

Mantra Monday's...   All of my "Beauty-ism's"

You Fancy huh?  Info and trendz on Nails, Hair, and everything BIG ... and PRETTY, of course!

A Little Something, Something...  All of life's smalls things that make me HAPPY.

FETISH Friday's  ... Some things in life you just gotta have, right?  Well every Friday I'll tell you my Gotta HAVE items!  

And much more!

Where in the World is Kym Lee?? © 2011 | Designed by Paul Elgin Media